“I’d rather own little and see the world, than own the world and see little of it”
Hey!! I’m Shivali!

I’m from India and I live to travel and explore this country! Sounds clichéd? Maybe, but it’s the truth too.😉
I love photography and this has blended in perfectly with my love for traveling. So yes, you’ll get to see a lot of pictures in most of my posts. My country is so beautiful you see. I just can’t seem to stop hitting the camera’s shutter button. 😉
When did I start traveling?
Although I’ve been asked this a number of times, I don’t really have an answer to this question. I’m fortunate to have parents who’ve managed to share their travel genes with me. So yes, we’ve explored quite a lot of places together, ever since I was a small kid.
Over time, I’ve explored a major part of this wonderful country. 23 states and 3 UTs to be precise.
Although I truly believe that a lifetime won’t be sufficient to completely absorb the essence of this land, it’s a small dream of mine to step foot on every nook and corner of this beautiful country and I wish to take you all along this journey too.
Hope you enjoy! Thanks for dropping by!😊
You could also follow my journey on Instagram!